Monday, February 28, 2005

Feel It!! Jakalope

Is that you doing that to me
With your stare
I feel the temperature start to rise
And I
Really take it from there

I start to press my skin to you
I'm craving it
I'm feeling you
Will you relieve me fast
Feast your eyes on my display
Take control
Fall over me
Cover me in ecstasy

Let me ride to heaven
Let me feel the swelling
Oh let me concentrate

I can feel it
When I taste
Like the wind
I breathe
Crawling inside of me baby
Oh oh oh

Now's the time for you to let go of
All your inhibitions
We can do this one more time
With a little
Tease and conversation

Watch the way my body moves
Feel the rhythm melting you
Mmm this is how it should be
Crawl over you
I'll dominate
Your destiny
I'll be your faith
I will be your fantasy

Let me ride to heaven
Let me feel the swelling
Oh let me concentrate

I can feel it
When I taste
Like the wind
I breathe
Crawling inside of me oh baby
Oh oh oh

I can feel it
When I taste
Like the wind
I breathe
Crawling inside of me baby
Oh oh oh

If I've fallen in love with the soul
If I've fallen in love with myself
I'll take it all in one time

I can feel it
When I taste
Like the wind
I breathe
Crawling inside of me baby

I can feel it
When I taste
Like the wind
I breathe
Crawling inside of me baby
Oh oh oh

why do my recycle guys hate me?

okie so second week in a row my recycle guys havent taken my recycle. why? last weel i could understand cause i didnt really sort it. but this week, i went out and bought the blue recycle bags and put the pop cans in one and cardboard in another. all nicely sorted. WHY?! my neighbours is gone but oh now don't take that leanne chicks shes all nice and organized. oh well. i'll take it to moms for thursday lol. oh boo! i just turned on the tv and were suppose to get 15 cm of snow. i hope its light and fluffy so i can shovel it hehe. so im really thinking about this wedding. and the guy is well doing it for really cheap, but if i can keep my rentals under i'd say $600 i can do it. to serve 100 people for $2400, usually weddings are twice than that. but im a struggling caterer ill do anything lol. so yeap i guess thats about it for now. i still have my computer and dad hasnt called so maybe he'll come get it tonight so im enjoying while it last hehe.

thank you Oprah!

so, tonight was the oscars. jen, lisa and i went over to james' place. it was nice. imi kinda in a quiete mood tonight for some reason. who knows maybe just tired. i think i might have a slight cold or something too. kinda sucks. lil sore throat, sneezing a lot! stuffed up nose at times. who knows. so i think this weekend was pretty good. yesterday got my kidney stuff donem a relief to say the least! put money in the bank, went shopping today got a bra and a couple pair of undies :o) very happy with that!! hehe. and now my mind is blank so i must be tired. i think dads coming in the morning to take the computer again :( im so bad when it comes to that! its like my life line to everyone! i get so depressed when i cant talk to my friends for more than two days! its horrible. i guess ill manage and hope that dad hurrys up with the training of his staff hehe. i guess thats it for now. kinda of a blah blog tonight so i apologize for that. call, email me anything. if im not around tomorrow dads got my laptop and i dont know when i'll be back hehe.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

isnt it sunday? no lisa its saturday...

so this is to me the weirdest saturday. i feels like im in the middle of the week. lisas been slowly cleaning the house for the past couple days. i have not lol. ive pretty much been sitting her watching her clean the house. but truthfully i have to be in the mood to do it lol and i dont mind for the amount of times ive cleaned the house, if she does it once in a while. so today i tried a little planning of the wedding. yesterday i went up to Ancaster REntals but of course they have febuary/march hours and close at noon through the week, i was there at 12:30. of course its always the way. so im going to head up on monday and see if its feesable for me to do this wedding in june. i hope so. and to answer u james, the point of doing it and not making money would be for resume purposes. and get my name out there, all that experience stuff too. so i hope it'll work out. anyways, so today i handed out kidney foundation kits with lisa as my co-pilot. worked out pretty good. i keep getting the same areas so were getting it down pat, figuring out where all the streets and such are. then i came home and ordered pizza. i love the fact that i live around the corner from the pizza pizza. fresh, hot pizza so yummy! then at about 9 i went over to timmys. as in the person not the coffee place lol. he burnt some cds for laura. crazy country bumkins! and now im home. yeah exciting!! so im going to head off to bed now cause i have a few things to do tomorrow! :) maybe figure out something to make to take to james' oscar party.. *yawn* goodnight world.

Friday, February 25, 2005

yay were fixed!!

so ya that only took me ten hours to do! tim came up with the idea of restoring my xp. so i just didnt think it would work. but it did! yay timmy!! so now im watching the fisher king. i should probably watch it from the beginning one day. i always catch it on tv like half way through. so ok now i can sleep lol so im going to bed :)

excited and nervous i ponder...

ya to my old laptop! old meaning i guess 5 or so years now... i love this thing! although i cant for some reason get my msn to work. i keep getting that thing that says that my name doesnt exist or that my password is wrong. and neither are true obviously! so anyone got any ideas? i guess ill go back to using lisas laptop until i can figure this out. im going to try and delete MSN Explorer see if that helps. if anything it'll just free up some room on my hard drive, since its pretty small. so i have the laptops for the weekend and dads going to take them away again on monday *cries* thats ok though. its giving me a chance to get out of the house and do things, even if it is just to keep busy.

*breaking up into paragraphs for james*

what else... well my aunt phoned me the other day. she had an email address from the hospital classifieds. its like a thing for anyone who works at the hospitals in hammilton. they just log in and can post things about anythinig they need/want etc. so my uncle works there and my aunt phones me about things having to do with catering lol. well she called the other day for a guy who needs a wedding for 100 done. i can do this, aslong as its not too crazy. so i wrote to the guy michael about it and i got a reply yesterday. its a really basic wedding. i can totally do it. but my only problem is that i don'y have all the platters he needs. he ants it done family style (how easy is that!) so it means just putting platters of food on the tables and they help themselves to the food. all i need to do is make the food serve it to my servers and we're all good. oh and clean up and such. now the only problem is that am i going to be paid enough that i can buy and rent stuff. he has a limit for $2400, but in that i would have to pay my servers, pay for rentals and buy platters to serve on cause i dont have them yet. on this job im not really concerned about making money. i would just need to break even so it doesnt cost me. so this weekend i think im going to have to do some planning.

so i guess i'll go to moms *again* pick up my XP disk (why does it feel weird spelling disk, disk and not disc? lol) and see if i can get msn off here, then i'll go up to ancaster rentals and see how much it would be to rent all this stuff for the wedding. and to anyone who reads this if they want to be a server for me, if i do this, let me know! i think im going to need about 6 people, and i have in mind two! lol. (its on June 4th) toodles for now!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

lost and confused....

so its wednesday. lisas gone to moms and letting me check my mail on her computer while shes gone. so i thought i'd bog while i was here. today im really tired. now sure why but i think when im done here i'll have a nap. so life without a computer is hard i must say lol but its nice to get out and see the people i talk to everyday. then again i really miss the people i talk to that i cant see in person. it also leaves me way too much time to think. so yesterday i went for lunch with jen and her cousin sarah. went to the whistling walrus on upper james. i like that place. good pub food hehe thats different from everything else. then jen and sarah helped me deliver my kidney foundation boxes of kits to the team leaders. they kinda left it last minute this year for me to do. since im area chair and team leader. i have to to deliver the boxes of kits to people then i also have to deliver kits to canvessers and the canvessers have to have the kits by march 1st. so they leave me like a week to get a hold of everyone and get things out. kinda crazy but at least i'll get it out of the way right away. and i got a travel mug this year! im so impressed!! 11 or so years of doing this and i finally got something lol even thought this year all the team leaders got one. but thats cool hehe. so im figuring no one loves me enough to phone me lol. well timmy does. we went out last night and had a late supper at the collins. still for some reason i love to go to the collins. i was my second home while i lived at home. i always wanted to go to the collins like 5 days a week for supper i would go. still nice to go in and know that they still know that i want my martini with my meal lol. well at least lauren does. so funny hehe. so ya.. dont know what to do... this time away from the computer has left me with really too much time to think about me. im lost in where i want to go and what i want to do. its the same things always. wanna cook and find something in the kitchens but with the past couple years it seems that i just cant do that anymore. but then im not happy doing anything. but if i want to try and go into something else or apply for anything else they wont take me cause my schooling is in cooking. so i have to go back to school but need a job to get he money to go back. its all one big crazy circle. im also lost and confused about this person in my life. i saw him the other day but i didnt say hi cause i wasnt positive if it was him. and well i dont want someone knowing that im crazy if it ended up being the wrong person. so now my interest in this person is beyond sparked and i know he wants to meet me, yet he says when i get the time and such. but if u really like someone, dont u make time in a day to converse oe see them? like this just doesnt make sense to me. and at this point ive been talking to the person alot. and im really confortable with them and i really like them. but if im going to be in a relationship with them do i really want to be put on the back burner all the time? i think im a pretty understanding person, and i know when in a relationship, the other half has to have time with their friends, time for work etc i shouldnt be the main focus all the time but i should at least matter enough that im thought of first? if that makes sense. maybe not even first but a close second lol. i dunno im lost. maybe im just thinking a head of myself since i actually havent met the person, but there have been some very strong words spoken about how they feel for me and now im the one left waiting. i guess im not used to that in this type of situation. so i guess ill wait more! lol and hope that in the end its worth this and i think it will be. i guess ill go have my nap now, people call me if u want to get together, cause i need to get out and see people! i miss it! lol as dad would say ttul!


Sunday, February 20, 2005

so proud of me :o)

can i just say im impressed with myself! lol so i made sunday dinner for lisa and i as per usual. i went to fortinos and got spices. i swear im spice queen now! so great hehe. i must have about 20 different ones! so i made cheesecake. then i made hummus and spicey black bean soup. rice with wild rice mixed in with it and then i made curried chicken. i was so impressed the way it came out! i wish laura could have come over for it. but 9pm is too late for her lol especially after the night she had! could u imagine waking up to big orange light and flames out ur window! lol just crazy! anyways so i was very impressed! lisa loved it which is good and i liked that i actually used my spices and added alot to my meal instead of the same old. hehe now im dying to try my cheesecake. i went to sakai the other week and i had their cheesecake for dessert and it was more cream cheese than anything so i tried to make one like it. i hope it works. im sure it'll taste good i just hope its not over cooked either. so ill let u know how that turns out :o) and now i shall watch my holmes on homes. such a great show! hehe

Woo that was freaky!!

ok slight panic at 4:30 in the morning. i had gone to bed at 3:30. i wake up cause i hear lisa answering laura at the door. i come running down the stairs and i asked what was up? laura was here with charlotte her cat and was really shaken up. turns out laura was woken by the garage right behind her truck, and kitty corner to her loft like three feet away was completely up in flames. holy shit! i was like ya ok whatever.. so we went to my back porch, and all we saw was some big orange flames. wow scarey! so we walked up the top of the street after calling 911 from my place, laura called before leaving her place. they were there looking after it already. so we walked up the street and wow, you know you never know how its going to hit you. i had to walk home cause i thought my knees were just going to go out on me. but the weirdest thing, laura has three levels of lofts under her and not a single person but one of our neighbours next door got up out of bed, or at least was on the road with us. scarey! and the fact that it all happened in about 1 minute flat. now lauras a little freaked out. cause she says if someone started this fire shes moving pronto. lol i feel like telling her that shes safer than lisa and i cause our garage is back in that alley way and who knows about the kids back there. and at least lauras place is up to fire code since its only 4 years old! so ya, i think im going to try and sleep again. i feel like i should be calling mom so she doesnt wake up and hear about this on the news in like an hour! but i was told not to. but maybe i will. anyways, 5 am back to bed i try and go!

Saturday, February 19, 2005

oh weekends *yawn*

its 2pm, i just got up. well for the second time. i woke up at 8:30 when jen phoned me. in total panic lol. so Friday and i went and picked her up and took her to work because her car wouldnt start. i picked her up at 8:55 and was at the mall by 9:07. she was 10 minutes late i was pretty impressed with myself since i wasnt awake lol. so i got home and went to bed lol. well i tired. friday went all happy crazy on me and didnt really want me to sleep she wanted to play hehe. she finally gave up on me and layed on the bed took up about three quarters of it. so i was kinda turned on my side and of course romeo just has to be a pin in the ass. meowing at me everyother second. a few times scaring half to death cause i'd open my eyes and he has the big eyes staring at me about an inch away from my face. finally lisa helped me out lol grabbed the cat and friday fell asleep so i finally fell asleep for a good hour lol. then i had some crazy ass dreams and of course friday woke me up. so here i be. the phone has rung twice and i just cant be bothered to get it. of course lisas sitting right beside it and for some reason wont pick it up. im going to head to moms for supper tonight, shes probably going to make me cook something for tonight. im going to take my sushi and dishes over and mom will be rather happy with that. oooooh *yawn* what a weird day today, sun going up and down crazy snow, no snow. ok im going now cause the phone is ringing yet again.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Suzy Grew A Moustache

Suzy Grew A Moustache
A moustache
A moustache
Suzy Grew A Moustache
And Polly Grew a beard

Suzy looked peculiar
Suzy looked peculiar
And Polly looked weird

Suzy got the garden shears
Garden shears
The garden shears
Suzy got the garden shears
And Polly got a bomb

Suzy's face is smooth again
Smooth again
Smooth again
Suzys face is smooth again
And Pollys face is gone.

~Dennis Lee~

sick of that waiting game...

so, alright i want to understand men better i really do. they make it so hard to do though! like i just had this converstaion with this guy, who discovered that i had two sister, so of course comes the questions. its like umm hello, me? conversation here.. not going to hook u up with my sisters to have sex lol like seriously how desperate can you be? its like u just go down the line, so she wont sleep with a complete stranger so maybe her sisters dont have the brain she does and they will sleep with a complete stranger. like what the hell is up with that? lol and then theres this guy i really like and want to meet, and im pretty positive he feels the same for me. im finally like ok lets meet blah blah and now its like ok when my schedule clears up. shoot me now. im dying here. lol its like pulling teeth. im seriosuly about to give up. now im just sitting here thinking, why am i always fighting for time. i have all the time in the world yet im always fighting for it. like if u want something bad enough you make time for it yes? you dont wait, and hope its still there when you're done whatever it may be. but i guess thats all i've got. my little strand of hope.

i wrote a blog...

and it disappeared... *poof* it be gone.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

omg! no laptop for three days!

i think i might be an official doorknob! dad ame by last night on his way home from work and asked if i wanted the two Toronto Raptors tickets he had for tonight. so i said sure, im sure i could find someone. so i put it up on my msn, seeing if anyone wanted to come with me. sure enough kevin vouched for a ticket. so im taking him. afterwards i realized the kirk loves basketball! im such a doorknob! he woulod of loved to come with me! im so stupid sometimes. oh well, kirk i'll grab u next time! dad also phoned me this morning, and next week his computer guys are training the staff how to use the computers, so he needs my laptop. for three days! i might die. but i think he might also get a wireless card for my other laptop which could be to my benifit! and oh i just remembered another reason why i dont use it and its cause the power cord doesnt work... maybe i should try and get another one for him. so now due to this im probably going to end up going over to moms to check my mail like once a day, since lisa doesnt let me use her computer. i can just imagine the fighting with mom now *sigh* oh well.. its ok ill watch movies ill go see jen for lunch lol i can do this *getting in the headset* anyways i better shower and stuff, im suppose to be going out for lunch with timmy if he wakes up soon...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

i just realized its been a couple days since i really blogged anything. so its 11:31am and i've just gotten up. surprisingly im pretty awake at the moment. it took me about an hour to fall asleep last night, which is long for me. i usuallylay on my rightside for like 5 minutes then turn over onto my left and im out like a light. but no last night i was thinkings. so many things i can do and so many people i can see. and i dont know what to do. i've recently been given a new idea and invatation to go to australia. a guy i've been talking to for a few years, as offered me to stay with him and his wife, and gave me the idea that i should go down on a work visa for 3-6 monthes. this has sparked some intrest in my brain. then there is sarahs wedding in england. shes not really expecting anyone to come but her mom and dad from over here, and i know my mother and sister will tell me i should do that because its sarah, and i know other people there etc... but then my biggest worry is brazil. i think i would really be letting people down if i didnt go there. and i think i desperately want to see cae. but all of this of course is going to be based on how much of my money mom has left, which is beginning to be a pain in the ass cause i think i've asked her about 4 times since christmas and she hasnt figured it out. now shes complaining that she has no money so i don't want to bug. but its my money darn it! lol i wanna know about it!! and now im lost on what to say because i just had about 5 people message me lol. so im lost ill be back later ..maybe

Saturday, February 12, 2005

there once was a boy...

named james... who has vanished off the planet this week and i miss him :o( so if anyone has seen the crazy boy please report him back to me ok? he looks something like this...

Romeo, the greatest weirdest cat ever

so many of you know my cat romeo. im not sure what to make of this cat. hes about 2 feet long by 1 foot wide lol. hes around 7 years old and weighs about 20-22 pounds. im thinking i might turn my webcam into a romeocam. just because im curious what goes through his head, so seeing what he does miht give some insight for when we arent home. i truely believe that he was a drunkin pervert in his past life. with all the boob fondeling and the playing with the empties. romeo came from the spca in ottawa where lisa had him for three years. he really is an odd cute little guy and since hes come here to hamilton he has seem to adopt me as his mother or something. or wait maybe thats just cause im the one that feeds him. he also sleeps in my bed with me when i go to bed. if he doesnt follow me i have to call him to bed and surprisingly he know exactly what to do when i call him. if i dont he ends up meowing and pawing my door just when im 30 seconds from that deep sleep. drives me a little nutty! then he jumps into bed with me but first he attacks me. this is a new thing that i just cant figure out. along with other things i cant figure out about this cat, like why after he visits the poopoo palace does he come bolting up the stairs slams into the front door and then goes crazy for a few moments if theres a toy around. who knows? i just know its a love/hate relationship him, as think it always is when u love something that much, but i just wanted to share my little/big romeo with everyone.

the obsessive guy.

so there is this guy,. i started talking to him over msn about a week and a half ago. he lives in hamilton but hes only been here for 2 monthes from egypt. so at first i thought that he just didnt get what i was trying to say and sch. but everytime we talked it would be like fighting. as most know i dont like to fight. i really dont see the point of it and no good really comes out of it. i found myself having to prove everything to him, about me and i shouldnt have to do that ... i dont think. so , i would wake up and he would message me and such, then he started with the i missed u where have you been, the who this person and whos that person.... which i didnt like. like i dont know the person and hes become jealous of who i spend my time with. also hes been bugging me since the first time i talked to him to come meet him. something just isnt settling with me about this person. like he would stay at work all night just to talk to me til like midnight and stuff and miss his bus. just weird. so then the other day i had pizza. the next he messaged me and we talked for a little and then he went to get something to eat i guess. he came back and hes like ur not going to ask me what i ate? and i was like umm well dont really care, but i thought he had finally gone to my little falafel place so i was like oh! did u get a falafel? he said no, i had pizza because u had it last night! i told him that was a little scarey and i think hes getting a little obsessed lol.. hes like u dont want to be obsessed about? umm no. i went out and put him on block. LOL... so im a little freaked out because he has a picture of me, and because he knows my little lebenese place thats just around the corner from where he works. i dont think hes harmful but im really afraid of running into him or something. i doubt that would happen though right? well slime to none. thats my story of the weirdo. now i have to get shower and stuff to get ready for a meeting for a catering job... YAY CATERING!

Friday, February 11, 2005

lets shoot for the stars and worse comes to worse we'll land on the moon.

so is it saturday yet? some reason it feels like saturday to me. today i spent too much money. i bought 5... no 6? dvds and three cds. i got the notebook and garden state at regular price, then enternal sunshine of the spotless mind, cold mountain, kill bill 2 and life is beautiful 2/30 at hmv then i got the love actually and garden state soundtracks for 2/25 at hmv and then the new micheal buble cd. since 11 am ive been driving around like a nut. i got a cake for laura and then took it to her. then went grocery shopping for mom and took the groceries to her place. then i picked p jen jen and we went to burlington, got paint for mom and went to licks for a lunch. then we went to hmv where i did my damage lol. then we went to see the wedding date. pretty cute movie. then we went to best buy, where yes of course i bought more lol... i got the notebook and micheal buble. then we took the paint to mom and i dropped jen off. crazy day!! so tomorrow should be almost as crazy im sure. as far as i know though i just am going to talk about my catering with a client tomorrow. im hoping thats it. sunday is a bridal shower for sarah though and mom of course has decided to paint the family room this week so shes left everything behind and for me to do. can u help leanne? sure. ok u do these 10 things and ill do these two things. drives me nuts. then oh i appriciate it here i want to give u money for gas, heres 2.50 buy a coffee. thanks mom! that'll get me to the next street! lol remind me why i do this to myself? anyways now im home, thinking im kinda tired cause im kinda down. could be a few things though. a) valentines day, b) sarahbear is moving to england on tuesday and c) im bored and alone. or d) im kinda bummed about my vacation, i dont know if i should go to england or to brazil. i know u must think im crazy, but i got an email from cae today and i guess i just realized that i really want to go to brazil, but then sarahs getting married! like what to do. i guess it really depends on where the money lays in the end. lets shoot for the stars and worse comes to worse we'll land on the moon. either way i'll still get a nice vacation right? anyways im gonna watch some movies now!! hehe

why cant we just all get along?!

so, most of my neighbours are awesome. but theres always a few that i just dont understand. well infact two both having to do with my car. first the one thats really pissed me off tonight. Billy, who is married to Jodie and they live two houses from me. now most know that the west side of my street is permit parking and the east side of my street is 3 hours parking. cops really dont care about the 3 hour parking one. so because my car is so low i can not park in the winter in my carport because i have to go down the alleyway it killed the bottom of my car. anyways, so there is a spot kitty corner to my house. it fits two cars easy if u just pull them up to each end of the curb. now usually its my car and either billy or jodie parks infront or behind. so today i was parked infront of billys truck. i went out to dinner with my family so i moved. when i got home, billy had moved his truck up about two feet, right in the centre of the spot. so sometimes this happens and i always just say to myself okie, no worries he just doesnt know the front end of his truck to well right? lots of times this can happen. but not tonight. no now i know he does it out of spite. why u ask? because recently its snowed and he has not cleared it off his windshield yet, first clue, second tire marks dont go past his front wheel. so i ask why?, why would he do this? he doesnt need the whole spot, why would he do this just to upset me? what i really dont get is after we had our last storm, i hadnt gone out for acouple days, and my car was completely barried. like i think i could see about 6 inches of the windows. and as most know i cant really dig myself out due to lost muscle, so if i wanted to get out lisa would have to help me. so it turned out one morning i woke up and my car was shovelled out. i though wow! my little potugese neighbours shovelled me out! since they normal beat me to shovelling my sidewalk and porch. but no later in that day there was a truck parked infront of me and all the snow that was around my car was behind my car so i really couldnt get out. jodie, billys wife, came over and said hey my brother inlaw has parked infront of your car and we shovelled u out but we've blocked u so if u need to get out just come knock on the door and well move the truck so u can get out. lisa and i were in awe because it was so nice of them. now it ended up i didnt need to ask them to move. but it leave me wondering why billy would block me from using that space across the road cause as far as i know theres nothing going on between us, that they need to do this. so why i ask why!!! in the end i managed to squeeze in behind him, blocking a little of the other neighbours drive, but its part of a comany drive way so they have no problems getting in or out since its nice and wide, well... havent complained yet about it at least. i just dont get it. maybe theyre jealous cause i havent brought them baked goods yet. although i did make a baby shower cake for them that i havent gotten paid for like a year or so ago. anyways, so my other neighbour that live three doors to the south of me is a dirty old drunk guy lol. for some reason, he knows someone in the police department, so if any of us neighbours do something wrong hes the first to call it in and they come. this has happened to me twice and my other neighbours have warned me about them. wait no three. one being i parked my car across the street and i guess even though angles dad said it was ok if i blocked some of his drive, the mean guy didnt think it was ok. so i got a ticket for that. second was my party last year, we got a noise complaint that our tv was too loud and music was too loud. well music wasnt on neither was the tv, but friends were talking and play guitars, with our doors shut. who knows. we knew it was the mean guy though because bother neighbours beside me well one comes over if were too loud in the backyard, and the other says "its not like u do it every weekend, so i can handle it once in a while" of course this was pertaining to one party that was in the backyard that got a little out of hand because they werent my friends. anyways so the third time mister mean neighbour got me, was 9:30pm i parked infront of my house and unloaded groceries. but after i toold the last bags in i unload them then i move the car. so i guess while i was doing that he looked out and noticed that i was parked there in the permit only spot. oh no! i must have been sent right from the devil! such a bad person am i! oi! so now u ask, well leanne, to solve all of these things why dont u just get a permit?? well! my car is registered under my fathers name and on the registery it has the address of dads place not mine. all for insurance purpose. so the city of hamilton will not issue a permit unless on the registry it has my address. i can change it but then it changes with the insurance company as well. so dad is made about it and last i left it with him to work out cause i cant do anything without him anyways. so who knows maybe by the end of the year i can get a permit! and now im going to bed, tomorrow if i have time i'll tell u about my crazy obsessive guy thats sacres me!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

cutest thing..

so this is so cute. my friend stephen from australia breeds labs, and his mommy dog Ebba just had a litter on the weekend, i think it was sunday? so i have to share these pics with u. theyre small but theyre soooooooo cute!!!!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

all i have to say...

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things." Cereal from the movie Hackers (1995)

Monday, February 07, 2005

i forgot!!

click here for Bunnieeeees!

blah monday!

so monday. i feel like poo. this weather is completely getting to me. my eyes are heavy and sore and i hate it when this happens. so im enjoying the warmth, but not the rain. but its febuary right? typical weather for it. so im planning things for june. i just need a date to go lol. i was looking at a site that leighton sent me. for flights from england to italy and amsterdam and such. man theyre so lucky in europe! the flights are like 20 bucks and taxes are 5 pounds of course, but thats like 50 bucks canadian?! i wish!! so im thinking either, i go to england and stay for two weeks, depending on where i stay, or i go for a week then fly over to italy or amsterdam and stay a week there. im thinking amsterdam if i can see my old friends ton and inez. if i could see them i would love it! i saw ton a couple years ago when he was here for business but i havent seen inez (his wife) in like 10 years. it would be so great! anyways, so thats that for now. today i got the mail i found a key in my mailbox. i think its my nextdoor neighbours. i found it a rotor rooter envalope and it has a chain with a T on it. so im guessing Teresa? lol shes on vacation so maybe the couldnt get her and just dropped it off here. my guess makes the most sense i think lol.. anyways i hope shes having a good vacation. so jen gave me a bunch of clothes. ive got these jeans from her that im loving. theyre a dark blue strech and ya just love 'em! hehe hmmm i feel like pizza. well yeap im out of thoughts for now, if something exciting happens ill let u know lol.

Friday, February 04, 2005

england in june?

oh friday... this week has been somewhat of a blur to me for some reason. probably cause ive some how managed to be totally busy. which has been nice for once. infact its almost to the point i dont remember what i did lol... anyways, this evening was really nice. went over to moms about 3. took her truck to get washed. the guy came up to me and said, u knkow theres this girl that looks alot like u that comes through here lol. i was does she have a jetta? he was like ya! i was like ya thats me! lol i thought it to be really funny. it makes me happy that im remebered too hehe. so i took moms truck back home, then i went back with my car lol... theyre like oh we missed u where have u been?! lol then i got to the part where i actually line up my car, the one guy was telling me to come the other told not to, so there was a little of joking with my cutie guy there, then i got out and the other guy asked me how many car do i have lol.. i said this ones mine the other was moms. all was making sense to them by this point i hope lol... it was a good car wash day, cause then at the other end the guy that does the inside always makes me smile too. always good to go to the car wash to get rid of motherly stresses hehe.. so went back to moms and by that time lisa had showed up, so mom left me alone. then a little while later sarah showed up. she showed us some pictures of where shes going to be living in england. looks very nice! and i guess its looking like lisa and i are going to head down for the wedding. oh now i can't wait! hehe so excited! and i'll get to see leighton and everything, that should be really nice. so before she goes moms trying to throw her together a bridal shower, so that should be really fun. im sure ill do some food for that. at such notice im sure it will only be about 10 or so people lisa mom sarah and i being the half of it lol. so now im at home, lisas staying at moms tonight because dads in ottawa and when that happens mom gets lonely *sigh* ahh well i get the house to myself again *hehehe* so i guess thats it for now, im off to do other things, who knows what but i'll find something im sure.

Congrats to Sarahbear!

So sarah is my sisters best friend and one of mine. the past couple years we havent seen much of her. about three years ago she took a trip to england and different parts of europe for about a year. maybe 2? while she stopped and worked in england she met james. she came back here with him for a while but i guess canada just wasnt the spot for them. which is ok. so sarah applied for her visa i guess and in a couple weeks got it back and is able to move to england now. so much faster than canada that takes like a year, or more lol. so she told me last night that james purposed to her on december 24th and in two weeks she'll be moving to england for good, and she has to get married before august 15th. so im thinking instead of going to brazil, i may go to the wedding in england, and then maybe carry on to italy or something from there. so yay sarah, im so happy for her. im not happy that shes moving to england, but im sure she'll be back in the area every so often... im just so happy for her! hehe... oh now i gotta think of an outfit! craziness hehe... im just so happy for her, and im going to go and shower and stuff now.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

home at last...

so to say the least i've have a pretty full day. of jen. i woke up around noon, oh wait no 10 to 11 today an hour earlier than usual. was kinda nice to do so. talked to jen on the phone. we were going to go and sign up for the gym, but since i have no money and mom doesnt want to pay for it thats not happening. and yes actually tried to ask my mother to pay for it, which is rare for me but due to the fact, i love going to the gym and would love to go back. but, *sigh* i dont want to go to curves (which mom has been obsessing about)so that wont happen. which is ok. so instead of the gym stuff today, jen and i went shopping. lots and lots of shopping. jen still "needed" *yet another* pair of shoes for work so that was our sole reason for going shopping haha get it sole! oh a crack myself up.. u know shoes have soles blah blah. laugh it's funny like ha ha. anyways, so per usual, not intending to buy anything for myself, due to the fact that i really shouldn't buy stuff for me i dont have the funds. just food thats always good. but this time there are some awesome sales happening around slimeridge mall. we ended up landing in.. wait let me look at my shirt... campus crew. huge sale! they had pants and shirt for 10 bucks! sweaters for $25 and under, plus on top of the sale u get 20% off! so i ended up buying a long sleeve shirt. they call them long sleeve t-shirts, (don't get that reasoning) and i got a sweater and a pair of sweat pants. I AM IN COMFORT HEAVEN!!! im so cozy right now, i love it! and i got it for 50 buckeroos! not too shabby i must say! then we continued on. jen had to go into the gap and i found another shirt and paid 8.88 for it! how great! i'm tellin ya! so yeap another outfit to do me a year or two lol... god i wish i had money to buy clothes. i might get a sense of style that way! lol. then we went to stoneridge and aldos where jen finally found a pair of shoes! so, all in all we had a good shoppin trip! then we went to fortinos. jen decided a while ago she wanted tacos and to make them for the whole family so we went and picked up taco fixings. oh! listening to the dance 80s cd that i also bought today. then she invited me back for dinner. so while jen did some stuff around the house and picked up her mom from work, i headed over to moms to do some stuff for my catering. so i got stuff all printed out for flyers. told mom, whom i had met outside walking maddiekins, i had an hour or so before i went back to jens. so she told me there were bananas on the counter to make banana bread, take the dogs to the top of the hill with her and then we were going to hand out flyers (which i had yet to design and print out) all within an hour. i'm suppose to do this? i think not. so i said, "mom im going to go work on this flyer and go back to jens" then she said "ok, ill be back in half an hour with the dogs." my mother the weirdo. so! got the flyers done and started to head off to jens for supper, but had to tell mom three more times that we're not handing them out today, i'll be back tomorrow. i think she got it. *shrugs* so back i go tomorrow to print out a few more and possibly deliver some. i hope i get some work out of this it would be nice. so the dinner at jens was great! it hit the spot perfectly. afterwards, we went to see meet the fockers, pretty funny movie! and if you've seen meet the parents you'll know what to expect from meet the fockers hehe. dom focker *hehe* and well that brings me here. just finished my slice of keylime pie and bout ready for bed now. all in all i had a good day. lets hope that mom doesn't drive me crazy tomorrow! maybe ill make her banana bread! :o) (if shes good)