Saturday, February 12, 2005

the obsessive guy.

so there is this guy,. i started talking to him over msn about a week and a half ago. he lives in hamilton but hes only been here for 2 monthes from egypt. so at first i thought that he just didnt get what i was trying to say and sch. but everytime we talked it would be like fighting. as most know i dont like to fight. i really dont see the point of it and no good really comes out of it. i found myself having to prove everything to him, about me and i shouldnt have to do that ... i dont think. so , i would wake up and he would message me and such, then he started with the i missed u where have you been, the who this person and whos that person.... which i didnt like. like i dont know the person and hes become jealous of who i spend my time with. also hes been bugging me since the first time i talked to him to come meet him. something just isnt settling with me about this person. like he would stay at work all night just to talk to me til like midnight and stuff and miss his bus. just weird. so then the other day i had pizza. the next he messaged me and we talked for a little and then he went to get something to eat i guess. he came back and hes like ur not going to ask me what i ate? and i was like umm well dont really care, but i thought he had finally gone to my little falafel place so i was like oh! did u get a falafel? he said no, i had pizza because u had it last night! i told him that was a little scarey and i think hes getting a little obsessed lol.. hes like u dont want to be obsessed about? umm no. i went out and put him on block. LOL... so im a little freaked out because he has a picture of me, and because he knows my little lebenese place thats just around the corner from where he works. i dont think hes harmful but im really afraid of running into him or something. i doubt that would happen though right? well slime to none. thats my story of the weirdo. now i have to get shower and stuff to get ready for a meeting for a catering job... YAY CATERING!


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