Monday, February 28, 2005

why do my recycle guys hate me?

okie so second week in a row my recycle guys havent taken my recycle. why? last weel i could understand cause i didnt really sort it. but this week, i went out and bought the blue recycle bags and put the pop cans in one and cardboard in another. all nicely sorted. WHY?! my neighbours is gone but oh now don't take that leanne chicks shes all nice and organized. oh well. i'll take it to moms for thursday lol. oh boo! i just turned on the tv and were suppose to get 15 cm of snow. i hope its light and fluffy so i can shovel it hehe. so im really thinking about this wedding. and the guy is well doing it for really cheap, but if i can keep my rentals under i'd say $600 i can do it. to serve 100 people for $2400, usually weddings are twice than that. but im a struggling caterer ill do anything lol. so yeap i guess thats about it for now. i still have my computer and dad hasnt called so maybe he'll come get it tonight so im enjoying while it last hehe.


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