Monday, January 31, 2011


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

dear pitbul

OK i don't know what it is about pitbul. he isn't crazy hot or anything but I'm mad for this guy lol. And is voice i this song just makes me happy. so i posted a link enjoy.

Thursday is Lisa's knee operation. Moms starting to nutty on me. Ive learned very well that mom doesn't handle stress well... at all. this should be an interesting week coming up. I'm going to do my best to make Lisa busy by playing games with her etc... i hope that works.

Also today I went to Julies in Burlington. got my under arms waxed for the first time ever in my life. holy cowabunga! that hurt! the left one not as much as the right but still. i can tolerate it but how do women get other things waxed? maybe one day ill venture into trying that but wow that wasn't what i was expecting!

Friday, January 21, 2011

blah fridays...

Friday evening, mom and dad went out an I'm completely bored right now. its only 7:45 I'm thinking maybe i should go out and look at board games for when Lisa's here. I might just have to get my Starbucks while I'm there. Or! maybe go get Starbucks and come back and watch the Dog Whisperer then tomorrow go to zellers and look at board games? i think i like that plan better! cause tomorrow I won't have the peace of watching Cesar alone right?? right! I'm smart! LOL

Saturday, January 15, 2011

random thoughts needing out a.k.a save my soul

How do I say, I like you, I think you re amazing and I just want to be part of your life. I want to support you and I'll always be there for you with out sounding or reacting in a crazy way? lol

Maybe its me who knows what they want and the other person doesn't? I know I've always been confident and assertive in what I want and who I am, but why can't people see that?
I wanted a car and a house by the age of 25 I got both by 21. I had my career dream at the same time. I love change, and would like to be involved in other peoples lives to maybe change something in mine. maybe I'm just too open minded and to eager to learn and live. maybe its because when something new comes along i put all of me and all of my heart into it? i don't want to fail. not this one not this time. someone has to take the time to understand me? i know i'm slower than most due to my health but i'm really trying and working on that (i think what i lake there i makeup in driving time anyways lol) i'm here and im willing someone just let me in!

did i miss something?

ok.. i thought i would do a quick post on this cause is shocked the shit outta me.. last night dad called me to the tv about what was going on i tunisia

theres a link to the story on ctv news.

so i got worried messaged karim pronto to see how his family was and him and he said...

"yes, yes
it is good and interresting"

yes i agree a good killing of people in my city is a good thing. w.t.f.

Friday, January 14, 2011

new year new start?

ok new start. I'm going to try blogging again. mom actually suggested i write a journal. but i guess she forgets shes why i stopped. i guess my blogging before got back to her and she didn't like her imagine in the mirror. so new approach.

lately I've felt completely stressed out. reasons i don't know. i wish i knew. then i could fix it right? I've been a completely bitch to mom lately. i know i have. i don't mean to be but shes just always pushing my buttons and she does it well. its been a while since i blogged last and alot has happened and changed in my life.

Karim and i are no longer. after crying from Tunisia to Germany i think i made up my mind. lol i spent more time with his family than i did with him and i didn't fly 4000 miles for that. and only for him to tell me he didn't think i loved him. sorry no. more reasons than that, I'm still a little bitter but finally that chapter has closed and I've moved on. i did go back in 2009 or 3 weeks and stayed with him and his family. and it was good to learn what and who he actually was. i don't regret it but it is a sore spot for me. October 2008 i was in the hospital for a month. feeding tube went in, mom gave my car to Lisa and things in my life I'd have to say changed right than. at least i was moved back home and saw it all coming so i was prepared for it. October 2009 feeding tube came out and things are going allot smoother. I'm really trying to get back on track. October 2010 i started Pilate's. love it! its helped me 200% i can actually walk now which i couldn't do in a straight line in august. got my new car. i love that too! lol my g6 oddly the song came out the same time. after i was the salt off it ill get pictures up hehe.

OK now just saying all that about Karim, Tunisia was just on the news and I'm worried lol. oh great now Brazil. wtf?! dead friends tomorrow or something?! and now Ive totally lost my train of thought so I'm going to go and try to get a hold of my friends.