Thursday, February 09, 2006


good morning! well i guess technically afternoon. i've just woken up about 20 minutes ago. having my tea and toaster strudels. i know not so healthy, but i havent had them in years and they were on sale lol so i decided to get a couple boxes. :o) So this week im sick. im not sure whats going on but im tired, sore throat and really achey. i just hope it doesnt get worse then it is. i missed my tuesday night photography class because of it/migrane. im too happy that, that happened. Im not sure where my monthes have gone these past couple. Maybe actually having some sort of a life does this to time. its actually ok with me since its winter and i don't mind it going fast. just i hope its not like this in the summer. Moe has me running every which way. yesterday we went to toronto. actually north york for an appointment. it was a really nice day out. but cold. for dinner i made roasted chicken. my gravy turned out well which was nice lol. moe has decided on a different website. so here it is Theres a million pictures of just him up there lol. oh and romeo of course. everyone loves romeo lol. anyways... why is it whenever i go to the airport to drop someone off it happens like 10 more times in the next few monthes? this always happens and im never the one that goes away. it started with picking up moe. then i took lisa to and from the airport when she went to BC, now i have a friend paula thats asked me to take her, and then i've offered to take jen when she goes to texas in march and then mom and Laura are in west palm beach at the moment. that literally 9 times! i should become a taxi service i think. maybe ill get more money doing that? anyways, i guess ill go shoer now. wake up a little before james gets home. were going shopping and i hope i have the energy lol.