Thursday, October 28, 2004


today i think my lack of sleep from tuesday night has caught up on me. i woke up at 7:30 when lisas boss called cause she slept in yet again. so i was pretty awake at that point, but i turned over and made myself fall asleep hehe. then jen phoned at 11:15 and woke me up. somewhere inbetween there laura phoned and left a message for lisa. what game is on sunday? lisas suppose to go with laura and if she doesnt want to she wants me to go and i have no idea what game? anyways, so i went to see jen for lunch always good. 'cept i told her about bella and i to go right into another conversation or the two of us i think would have been a crying mess in the middle of the food court lol. then i came home for a lil and went out to do some groceries. i thought i was going to die lol. i was so exusted. i hope im not getting sick. well actually i almost hope that i am, get it done and over with for the year. then i wont be sick for chistmas or anything. oh christmas.. can anyone tell im really excited about christmas? lol i dont think its that obvious is it? lol.. i know ur all dreeding the snow, but think its not that bad! by christmas theres really hmmm 2 monthes left and they'll fly by! and its snow!! like jump and play in it! so much fun!! anyways i guess im going to figure out what to make for dinner for lisa since jens not coming over lol


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