Sunday, October 24, 2004

pretty good weekend all in all

so its sunday. its raining again. this weekend has been pretty good. i've spent the weekend at mom and dads looking after maddie. mom and dad went up to the cottage with friday to the cottage with bella to spend some time with her. so, yesterday lisa was doing some work over at the neighbours, so she was in and out of the house. laura came over around 5 and made us dinner. it was pretty darn good! she made us a chicken stir fry over some noodles. pretty yummy. then her and i went out for some dessert. we went to main desserts. i love that place. i had some choclate caramel cake with a latte and she had the chocolate royale cake with a mochachino. so good. we had a pretty good talk about all sorts of things. it was nice to do with laura, we dont get to do that too often. so today, its just veggin in front of the tv. classic bodyguard is on. i swear they look at the weather when they decide to put this movie on. ever cold damp sunday put this movie on hehe. for some odd reason i always cry at the end hehe. why i dont know. i should also probably have a shower at some point before mom comes home. at least ill be able to see bella, probably for the last time. which makes me incrediably sad cause i love my bella. somethings are just not fair in this life. im gonna try my best to be strong around her. show no fear, and she cant know. and ill be ok. now im off to the shower, maybe actually get changed today.


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