Wednesday, October 06, 2004

parts of childhood...

ok so i was talking to rob (yes jen again!) and i started thinking about childhood. i found it incrediable weird. i dont remember anything from my childhood. i suppose its not all that bad. like theres little things i remember. mom always says i get my hospital room mixed up between my transplant and when i had the chicken pox. she said they put me in the exact same room so its not a doubt that i got it comfused. but i sit there and i listen to my sisters talk about when we were young, and i wonder why i cant remember anything from mine. maybe cause i was so sick. u know how they say u forget tramatic things in ur life? maybe its just everything in my childhood ive forgotten lol. i wish i could do that now. just forget everything bad thats happen to me since like highschool, maybe... well everything lol before hand too. i was talking to jen about tv shows we used to watch hehe. she thought it was crazy that i sisnt watch seasme street. nope i was into strawberry shortcake, my little ponies, g.i joe, transformers, carebears, shera! REAL american hero! hehe oh the good shows what ever happened to those? mr rogers, todays special, u know all those good ones hehe. ok now im completely beat so im going to bed. these migranes take up too much of my life. i have one for a day then spend the next day recovering from it i hate it.


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