Sunday, October 03, 2004

so much for so little.

oh to the weekend. this weekend went by really fast. as most of these days seem to be lately. last night was james' birthday. oh such a funny little man when hes drunk. at any time infact. lol i did nothing really today. took jason home, bagel theif! :op then got some harassing phone calls from mom. went to the grocery store and i got some things to make stew. came home made stew hehe. then jen came over after work and we watched tv. i probably wasnt the best company cause im a tad tired from last night. but im sure she understands that. then mom stopped by, saw jen and i think she was going to bitch at me for something but didnt cause jen was here. she did mention something to me outside, but of course with mothers u just have to ignore it. i think she just wants to start petty arguements for the sake of fighting with me. like why bother? and lisas home now. i think im gonna go to bed cause im tired. i have a dentist appointment tomorrow which i really dont want to go to cause im getting a filling. some how my tooth chipped. *sigh* i hate going to the dentist. i went in for a cleaning the other day and i didnt sleep the night before cause i hate it so much. i think its cause of my dental hygenist. we call her blood and guts cause u always leave bleeding from that place. lol anyways off i go to bed. *goodnight moon*


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