Tuesday, October 26, 2004


well hello. so i dont think ive been writing as much i used to so im going to try a lot more to do so. today i had a great day. im not sure why. maybe cause its because the sun was shining. i didnt go out or anything. poor car probably thinks im neglecting it. lol i know they dont have feelings. i talked to cae today and he always puts that smile on my face. i just wish he didnt live in brazil. to far of a drive to visit him! :o( then i dunno rob popped on. that made me happy. i get so nervous when people just stop talking to me. like i've done something and i dont know what. 99% of the time i havent i guess im just kinda insecure about that from when i was little. i hope one day that'll go away lol. so i started physio with kirk yesterday. well i had my assessment tomorrow it my official first day i guess. makes me feel good. finally get on with things. its a nice feeling for once. lets see what else... well im getting things ready for christmas. yes already! ive been collecting all my addresses im 95% there i would say. just need a few like robs, freds, kyle, possibley lukes... some family memebers... thats always hard to do. well if any of u guys read this that u know u havent given me ur addy, well email me or something cause it involves and invatation im gonna send out. :) anyways, i guess i better go to bed or something.


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