Friday, July 16, 2004

*ho hum*

So lets see, whats up with this new blog thing?  its throwin me off.  (maybe i can just see this)  anyways, so whats up with today.  well i rolled outta bed this morning.  Then i went to DQ with kyle, then came home and ive been watching friends season 2 all afternoon lol.  lisa came home and made fun of me.  but this is what happens when jen gives me the seasons to watch lol.  good thing shes only got 3 and im on two hehe.  so lets see, what else...  tomorrow i go to bobcaygon.  oh so much fun three hours in the car with my lovely family for two hours of hell with my grandmother who hates me as i do her, then another three hours on the way home.  so much fun!  but, i do get my long awaited kwaratha dairy ice cream.   how excited am i about getting the one scoop of yummy goodness!  Such little things make me happy lol.   I would definately put that on my top 5  comfort foods.  Mom asked me that the other day.  what my top 5 comfort foods are.  i couldnt tell her just 5.  maybe if i  put them in catagories.  1 being everything grandma makes.  2 being restaurants 3 beinging desserts.  hehe   i think life has too many choices that i just love.  *other thoughts on that subject*   k back to reality here...  so i really dont have much to say tonight cause ive spent like an hour writing this when it takes me like 5 minutes.  so hopfully ill have something better tomorrow after my day of hell. oh and james..  babe i miss ya, u need to get down here for a weekend! 


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