Sunday, July 04, 2004

ahhh weddings...

so lets see.. ceremony was good. not too long. then went for munchies on the danforth with mo, dad lisa and laura. i was pretty starving at the point. lisa and i got an antipasto plate to share and before i could finsh, cause im so bloody slow, mom had devoured the plate. was a tad upset cause well after eatting only two lil pieces of garlic bread with hummus, i was still a little hungry. oh well. so then we went to the reception, and was the first ones there. so i was the first to sign the guest book :op hehehe... so then we found out that lisa, laura and i were placed at the "kids table" meaning people from the ages 16-22 and us being 23-26 i really dont think were kids anymore. but thats my opinion. thats ok i met a girl that lived in hamilton and knows rob and kyle from school so that was kinda cool.. i forget who she was though? maybe i should look into that but she definately still knows rob. we'll that would be the impression i get. considering she said to her b/f that she has to meet rob. rob why are u known so much? so then dinner came and stuff. it was good. chicken was dry. but always is. people are so afraid of chicken being underdone. people once its cooked and served hot there is nothing to be worried about! even if i was not fully cook, the internal temp that was reached kills the bacterias etc... so just relax about it! lol *sorry* anyways, so ya then we did the speechs etc and i danced with mom and laura and that wwas about it, oh ya talked to kirk (the groom) then his sister laura. so these people moms known probabl around 25-30 years. so all my life ive known these people and all night i felt like they just totally ignored, like we were chasing them just to say hi. i dunno. maybe its just the world now. oh well. it was an alright day. guess too many weddings for me lately. lol. now im gonna get all sad watching sweet november and going to sleep cause ive run out of things to say. night :op


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