Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Random Guy who are you?!

today was eventful. i woke up, some hours passed. actually extremely fast. 3:55 came around and i went to mickey d's and got a big mac meal. i came home and sarah was waiting for me at the door. 4pm right on time. i was shocked! so she and i worked on leightons scrapbook for a couple hours. i tried to get some story parts done as she and i also did the title page and talked about the cover. then i took her home around 6. came on the computer for about an hour an a half i guess. Talked to Luc, Rob and Rob. all very chatty today. I like talking to Luc, such a cutie that guy is, and hes never on. I keep trying to drag him out with me and friends. maybe one day i'll accomplish this. so then i went at about 8 to the bank and to pick up jen. we went to see spiderman 2. but jen was afraid it would be packed so we went about an hour or so early. ended up waiting in line for an hour after we had the tickets cause we were so ealry. us and oh 5 other people. but behind us in line was this kid and his mother. i think he must have been about 6 or 7. very mature for his age. his mother left to do something for like 30 minutes. jen and i kept an eye on him but the poor kid! he was starting to panic i swear. i was starting to panic for him. as jen and i left our seats one at a time we'd look for her and this poor kid was going back and forth looking for his mother. but his mom came back right before the movie started. jen and i were very relieved cause if she hadn't come back we were going to do something. how can parents do that?! anyways, so then as i was getting my glosette peanuts, jen told me a random guy had asked her to save just the one seat infront of us. and she was like just the one? he said ya. jen and i thinking that was rather odd cause its not like it was the last seat in the place. we called him random guy. so he comes back about 5 minutes before the movie, and jens like thats random guy. i was like jen! u didnt tell me it was random cutie guy! like geesh! so then of course me being me, it was driving me nuts, why is this guy at a movie all by himself sitting beside lost his mother kid. but he was talkin to the kid and askin if his mom came back and stuff, at that time she had. and i was like omg jen! lol she laughed at me and said ya just control. so i told her hes probably gay. cause for some reason i can certainly pick them! so we watched the movie, as i glanced at cutie random guy once in a while, he was completely liking movie as was i. much better than the first i think but maybe cause i didnt see the first one on the big screen. who knows. so movie ended, i saw mister cutie before standing up but didnt see him after that. i was rather tempted to talk to him before the movie to, he seemed so nice. hes gay i know it. well i guess thats it for now. im kinda tired and i have a stressful day of mom tomorrow! so im off.


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