Friday, August 12, 2005

what a rainy day!

This morning I woke up at 6:30. Laura had asked me to driver her to the barn to help load the horses and such. For some who don't knokw Laura my sister does Dressage. It's really very cool stuff. So, she asked me to come between 7 or 8am. I called her at 7am and asked when she wanted to be picked up (from 5 houses up the block) and she told me 8 was good. She always told me that Lisa said she could use her van so I didnt have to get up at all. But already up and not going to fall asleep again anytime soon, I said I would drive and so I did. She was a little crabby with me when I told her I needed to get gas. But then I took her through the Tim Hortons and she was much better after be fed. So I dropped her off wished her luck with the show. On my way home I went to see mom. The guys had found her glasses at the cottage in the grass so I dropped them off to her.

I ended up coming in and talking a while... well mom did most of the talking. Then it got into my dating life.. *again* I told her about my date a few weeks ago and how i broke the guy mirror and stuff and then all he wanted was sex. I think she might be getting why I hate the dating thing. Then randomly she told me i could have sex on the fourth date. LOL My mother is so odd when it comes to these things. She hates talking about sex. She always changes the topic, but then at points she just blurts these things out about it. Like afterwards I told her about my evening last night and how I was such an idiot cause I didn't even stay after the soccer game, in fear that i was noticing the wrong person. Then she was like "Well hurry up and get a b/f then you can have sex at the cottage." I was like mother?!.. (Laughing so hard!) I couldnt believe that came out of her mouth. After that interesting adventure I came home and had a 3 hour nap. I just had a shower and am waiting for Laura to phone melet me know when i can go get her. then wait again for 9 to roll around and go out again. I hate waiting for time. I have a plan I want to get up and go.. not sit and wait hehe. ah well.. i guess im off now brush my teeth and be ready.


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