Friday, July 29, 2005


So this evening i met a guy off the net. It went ok? lol we were going to go to this little dessert place like a block from my house. he didnt know it was a block away so he drove around the corner and i showed it to him. so we get there and we get out of the car. I shut the door and his side mirror fell off! LMAO! like I didnt know what to do. I stood there and laughed then had this over whelming feeling of badness lol. I just covered my mouth and kept saying im sorry while laughing. Like what am I suppose to do? so he picked it up off the road. i probably should of done that but i think i was in shock still. we walked over to the door of the dessert place and they were closed! an hour early! whats up with that? so, then he decided that we should go to a tim hortons for coffee. ok fine. then he takes me to one up the mountain?! right around the corner from his place. *sigh* men. he kept mentioning how he wanted me to "come over" i told him no obviously! but really he was actually a sweetie beside trying to get me to come over to his place. lol. anyways. im tired now but just had a coffee so we'll see how i sleep.


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