tuesday morning. so far its been a good week. ive been up and alert. which i havent done in a awhile. and it was at 10am! hehe (thats good for me) last night i went to bed at midnight so i could get a good rest. ive been so exusted this past week. i think i was really stressing out about mom and dads catering job. so, i was awoken by the noise of shovels. the best sound to me. it means it snowed and it stayed. i knkow i know, most of you dont like it. but what is really so bad about it? its pretty, and fluffy and u can throw it at people. sure it means its cold out, but think if youre having a bad hair day or a bad all over day, whip on that scarf and hat and no one will know! hehe i must admit for some reason the cold really got to me on sunday. it was just bitter out! i'm the one that can usually go coatless for most of the winter and not be bothered by it. so i've decided in this past week or so, that im going to go to brazil. as mom said to me the other day, i need to go on a vacation. and i said u know what, i think im going to brazil. i think that was it lol. pretty much, could be a chance in a life time, and why not? of course there is the Cae factor of it all. but it makes me nervous, excited, and teriffied. so i was telling this to leighton last night and he said he'd come with me. i brought up the whole, i need someone to come with me thing and such and he offered to come, so i think if this all really happens, its going to be fun. even though i'll be a mess. lol so if anyone else wants to come, we could make a big adventure! hehe. yes im crazy i know. omg im crazy. lol anyways i have to get a package out and i have to get groceries for my catering job on thursday.
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