Sunday, November 07, 2004

so sleepy

so, last night jens birthday party. i think she had a good time. i did too, i was just really tired and i think i probably drove jen nuts cause well when either one of us are like that we argue lol. so jen sorry hehe. andre came and it was kinda nice to see him. i must admit i was kinda nervous cause i didnt want to end up hating him or something. its all good hehe. today i got up at well 10:30 then 12:00, and im so tired. i went to bed at 2 i dont think i should be this tired lol. i didnt even really drink last night. oh well hehe. so today im think im gonna take some brownies to kirk and take james home at some point. i feel like doing the steam cleaning today. maybe ill try it. if not ill ask mom to come over tuesday. oh blah. i dont have anything going through my head at the moment to put down so maybe ill write more later.


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