How mean!
Hello. I've been slacking again and I'm sorry. I started wroking on Wednesday. My shifts are 5-6 hour shifts and if I want I can stay later. I'm like this job. Its perfect hours. This week I'm wokie Monday to Friday and so far I'm getting my weekends off. Perfect! I'm the stock girl. I like to call it the Laundry folding girl. All day I take clothes out of boxes. Take them out of their bags and then fold them to put them out for sale. Oh! and I put security tags on them. That I thing is the part that I'd like not to do! I've already stuck a couple into my thumb. The great part is that I get to see all the product before anyone else! So, if I want to try something on after work and such, I just put it in the try on after work pile! hehe so great. The new store is so much nicer than the old Dalmys store. Its like three times bigger, leather lights, funky lights etc huge change rooms! So great!
On another note I'm really upset. With my parents. Laura and I went to the mall yesterday cause I need to get some dress pants for work. among other things. I forgot my interac card at home. So Laura and I went into Old Navy anyways and Laura needed some jeans. Then we went out to Swiss Chalet for dinner and I had a 20 so I paid for that. So at dinner Laura asked if I wanted to go to mom and dads. She wanted to tell them about her great offer from I guess her Riding boss? They guy that owns the horses she rides (his name is Fatty (german) I am so excited for her! He's offered Laura a horse to ride which would be half hers, she needs to pay 200 bicks a month boarding for it but Fatty will go to germany pick out a horse and pay for it. She has to train it for Dressage, pay 200 bucks board which is half price, and when they sell it, she gets half the money. Pretty good eh? That will bring her training up another level, she gets a lot of money out of the deal, and she gets her dream that shes wanted ever since she was little. Pretty exciting for her ya?

We go over to mom and dads to tell them. Laura is trying to say up for a car so she asked mom and dad if she can borrow a 100 bucks a month and she'll pay the other 100, then when they sell the horse she'll give them the money back. Mom was up for it right away. Then dad came out and said "don't you owe us tax money from you first year in ur loft?" and of course mom was like oh ya! Laura has paid it off but mom doesnt believe her. So moms told her to get bank statements from three years ago to prove it. Like a little upsetting for Laura? I think so. Peolpe always wonder why I never ask my mother for anything. The stress and hassel that comes with it for years to come.
Now on top of that (this should have been our hint) I walked in and dad was like did u get your shoes? Cause the day before mom offered to buy me shoes for work. And I said no I left my Interac at home. And he came out with a "geez your just trying to get money off of everyone" Implying that I was trying to get Laura to buy me stuff? What is up with that? First of all I didn't ask mom for a damn pair of shoes. She offered to take me out shopping for Christmas before I even got the job. And then she called me friday night and told me that she and dad were going to pay for a pair of shoes as a congrats on the new job. I figure between what happened to Laura and I yesterday they must have been talking about money before we came in or something. Like wow!
In the end, Lisa and I have decided if Laura needs the money her and I will come up with it each month for her. I'll talk to her tonight. She was crying all the way home from mom and dads and knowing Laura she probably cried all evening to. Which now is making me want to cry. When my parents have enough money not to notice 1000 bucks missing it really makes me wonder why they would hurt her like that. Her heart is completely broken, just because my father said something that was none of his business anyways. And after mom telling me to shut up cause it wasnt any of my business. ahh I'm just really upset about this. I have to say something to them and I don't even know what.
On a happier note. Lisa, Laura and I are going out to dinner tonight and I'm looking foward to that. And I'm going to go shopping with my interac card this time and buy a pair of pants! lol This whole set the clocks back has really messed me up today. its 10:30 yet i woke up an hour ago and it was 10:30 then. hmmmm so weird!
On another note I'm really upset. With my parents. Laura and I went to the mall yesterday cause I need to get some dress pants for work. among other things. I forgot my interac card at home. So Laura and I went into Old Navy anyways and Laura needed some jeans. Then we went out to Swiss Chalet for dinner and I had a 20 so I paid for that. So at dinner Laura asked if I wanted to go to mom and dads. She wanted to tell them about her great offer from I guess her Riding boss? They guy that owns the horses she rides (his name is Fatty (german) I am so excited for her! He's offered Laura a horse to ride which would be half hers, she needs to pay 200 bicks a month boarding for it but Fatty will go to germany pick out a horse and pay for it. She has to train it for Dressage, pay 200 bucks board which is half price, and when they sell it, she gets half the money. Pretty good eh? That will bring her training up another level, she gets a lot of money out of the deal, and she gets her dream that shes wanted ever since she was little. Pretty exciting for her ya?

We go over to mom and dads to tell them. Laura is trying to say up for a car so she asked mom and dad if she can borrow a 100 bucks a month and she'll pay the other 100, then when they sell the horse she'll give them the money back. Mom was up for it right away. Then dad came out and said "don't you owe us tax money from you first year in ur loft?" and of course mom was like oh ya! Laura has paid it off but mom doesnt believe her. So moms told her to get bank statements from three years ago to prove it. Like a little upsetting for Laura? I think so. Peolpe always wonder why I never ask my mother for anything. The stress and hassel that comes with it for years to come.
Now on top of that (this should have been our hint) I walked in and dad was like did u get your shoes? Cause the day before mom offered to buy me shoes for work. And I said no I left my Interac at home. And he came out with a "geez your just trying to get money off of everyone" Implying that I was trying to get Laura to buy me stuff? What is up with that? First of all I didn't ask mom for a damn pair of shoes. She offered to take me out shopping for Christmas before I even got the job. And then she called me friday night and told me that she and dad were going to pay for a pair of shoes as a congrats on the new job. I figure between what happened to Laura and I yesterday they must have been talking about money before we came in or something. Like wow!
In the end, Lisa and I have decided if Laura needs the money her and I will come up with it each month for her. I'll talk to her tonight. She was crying all the way home from mom and dads and knowing Laura she probably cried all evening to. Which now is making me want to cry. When my parents have enough money not to notice 1000 bucks missing it really makes me wonder why they would hurt her like that. Her heart is completely broken, just because my father said something that was none of his business anyways. And after mom telling me to shut up cause it wasnt any of my business. ahh I'm just really upset about this. I have to say something to them and I don't even know what.
On a happier note. Lisa, Laura and I are going out to dinner tonight and I'm looking foward to that. And I'm going to go shopping with my interac card this time and buy a pair of pants! lol This whole set the clocks back has really messed me up today. its 10:30 yet i woke up an hour ago and it was 10:30 then. hmmmm so weird!
Hello Paixão
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