Friday, February 18, 2005

Suzy Grew A Moustache

Suzy Grew A Moustache
A moustache
A moustache
Suzy Grew A Moustache
And Polly Grew a beard

Suzy looked peculiar
Suzy looked peculiar
And Polly looked weird

Suzy got the garden shears
Garden shears
The garden shears
Suzy got the garden shears
And Polly got a bomb

Suzy's face is smooth again
Smooth again
Smooth again
Suzys face is smooth again
And Pollys face is gone.

~Dennis Lee~


Blogger Becca* said...

I love this poem! I dont think anyone will read this comment so im just going to say whatever. No one will ever see this, so im going to say..................................PURPLE HIPPOPOTAMUS!!!!!!!!!!
(no, seriously, I love this poem)

10:03 a.m.  
Anonymous leanne said...

i love it too! its funny cause about a month ago the book came into where i volunteer and everyone thought i was nuts when i told them it was my favorite peom lol

12:53 p.m.  
Anonymous TheBrink said...

To you who said that no one would read that comment...

...I did.

10:08 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I googled the title of this poem to show it to a friend and this blog came up.

I wanted to be just like Dennis Lee when I grew up. He was my hero. Actually, I keep a copy of Alligator Pie at my desk at work.

Becca, I did read your comment. And to that I say, Purplemonkeydiswasher.

11:57 a.m.  

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