Sunday, January 23, 2005


Yet again i've woken up to mom phoning... when will she ever stop? drives me nuts. and not the first person i want to wake up to in the morning. so i didnt. lol. i came downstairs, went potty, and turned my tea on. came over to the computer and and my msn isnt working :o( *sad me* oh well... so made myself my tea and phoned mom back. she wanted lisa and i to come over for dinner around 5. so of course i have james here for the weekend. so i asked well ive got james here, is it ok if he comes as well? first thing that leaves her mouth is no. so i said well im not going to leave him here alone so that counts me out. then shes like well i guess hes part of who u are so sure bring him. in a very annoyed voice. i was like nope its ok i wont come. for some odd reason my mother, is always saying how i should bring my friends over and such for dinner, but everytime they come into her house she gets mad at me. well unless ur jen. so forget it. unless by some miracle i find someone who i've dated for like a year, then i might think about bringing them over for dinner. pretty much if they arent dating me she wants nothing to do with them. is it a wonder why my friends dont like her? it just really bugs me. they're great people, so why can't she accept them? maybe cause i dont think she accepts me, but thats a different story. anyways, so when i was done talking to her, i decided before anyone gets up ill put the recycle out so i dont freeze them with the door being open. so i did so, and looked at my car, knowing i have to find it under all the snow. so i look up, my neighbour has shovelled my sidewalk, my stairs and had dug my car out for me. there was like 4 feet of snow infront of my car!! omg! how completely awesomoe are my neighbours?! but which one is the question?? i have two lol... teresa to the left and my portugese neighbours to the right. i swear they take turns. they are so great! but now i dont know who to thank. i took some cookie bars to the little portugese ones, ill have to take something to teresa. ill actually have to think about that one though since i know shes a health nut hehe. well, i guess thats it for now. james is up and i have to start thinking of what i can make for dinner since it is 3:30pm. the crazies in this house sleep much too long lol.. see ya for now!


Blogger BLAMB said...

Leanne, where are your doggie pix??? I want proof that they're cuter than Zack ... PROOF! Nobody's cuter than Zack!

12:17 a.m.  
Blogger Jam said...

Your mom didn't want me to come over? What a loser! I even gave your parents an Xmas card! Pffft see if I ever do that again!


2:00 a.m.  

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