Thursday, May 04, 2006

where did my week go?

all of my week ive pretty much forgotten. except tuesday. i've had most of the week off and i filled it with catching up on my soical life again. ive been home through the day probably for about 3 hours before coming home and sleeping. tuesday i had a wonderful evening. i went to the movie with nader and we saw united 93. what a moving movie! it was crazy. its the first movie i had to actually compose myself afterwards in order to drive. After that i dropped Nader off and headed to north york.

For the third time i want to see someone there. I think I like him. lol I'm starting to get that uncertain feeling that I do when I like someone. You know those questions that start running through your head? like "Does he actually like me?" "am i crazy?!" lol such little questions that go through my mind hehe. I want things to just happen but I'm too imipatient for it now. I just have this really good comfort level with him. I dunno. Maybe I am crazy. Of course I keep it all inside too. I'm never sure what to say what not to say. I just know when I'm there I don't want to go. *sigh* He makes me sm:)e hehe

anyways, so after that i came home and had a bad sleep lol. i think i was over tired. and i had to get up at 8am incase the Bell guy came. which turns out i didnt have to do cause he came at 8pm the night before. oh well.

Today i went shopping with the girls from work. Yonette, Denise (yons sister) jen and kate. we had a good time. we need to do it more often. jen did most of the shopping hehe. she got some shirts and stuff from old navy. best buy of the day i think was kate monkey bank for her mother lol. i bought my Caebear a shirt i must send. have to remember to do so hehe. other than that i was especially good hehe.

and now i have to get ready to go out. sorry to make it short lol.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shopping was fun that day hon, and yes we need to do it more often. However Denise, although very much like my sister, is really my cousin.

12:37 a.m.  
Blogger Paixão said...

why did i put sister? i know shes ur cousin... *brain fart*

11:22 a.m.  

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