To the cottage we went...
Saturday James and I headed up to the cottage. He slept about 85% of the way. We left a little later than I wanted but thats ok. We still got to hwy #118 before it got dark which was good! I hate drive that at night! It's pretty much a highway through a forest, so at night the deer come out to play! And freak the S*** outta me! I've already hit on in my life and I rather not experience it again, what after everyone telling me I'm a Bambi killer! So we went to Bancroft on Sunday. Nothing exciting. So on the way home we stopped at the dairy and got some ice cream. MMMM ice cream! hehe I got Vanilla. I love kwaratha vanilla! another one to check off my list! hehe Then when we got back we went swimming. I wish I went swimming today. Oh well. I got a pool noodle and my fishing lisence today so all is good. Then when we got back to the cottage I put some food in the oven, rinsed the car and James and I watched a movie. It was too hot really to do anything. (thats why i wish i went swimming again) So the heat was starting to get to me and James I think was bored, and not liking the bugs too much. Believe it or not they weren't even at half of what they normally are! But I'm happy. I woke up at 10 to 10am and started my coffee. I went outside and got a picture of the loon. There was two but I couldn't get them without one being underwater. So I'm not sure how I did it but I made it to Burlington in 3 hours. I love that ETR!! A steady 130km/h all the way home. So I took James right home and got back in time to catch some of the sunset. And to no food, so I'm STARVING! I think I'm going to go get something to eat before everything closes!
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