Saturday, February 12, 2005

Romeo, the greatest weirdest cat ever

so many of you know my cat romeo. im not sure what to make of this cat. hes about 2 feet long by 1 foot wide lol. hes around 7 years old and weighs about 20-22 pounds. im thinking i might turn my webcam into a romeocam. just because im curious what goes through his head, so seeing what he does miht give some insight for when we arent home. i truely believe that he was a drunkin pervert in his past life. with all the boob fondeling and the playing with the empties. romeo came from the spca in ottawa where lisa had him for three years. he really is an odd cute little guy and since hes come here to hamilton he has seem to adopt me as his mother or something. or wait maybe thats just cause im the one that feeds him. he also sleeps in my bed with me when i go to bed. if he doesnt follow me i have to call him to bed and surprisingly he know exactly what to do when i call him. if i dont he ends up meowing and pawing my door just when im 30 seconds from that deep sleep. drives me a little nutty! then he jumps into bed with me but first he attacks me. this is a new thing that i just cant figure out. along with other things i cant figure out about this cat, like why after he visits the poopoo palace does he come bolting up the stairs slams into the front door and then goes crazy for a few moments if theres a toy around. who knows? i just know its a love/hate relationship him, as think it always is when u love something that much, but i just wanted to share my little/big romeo with everyone.


Blogger Jam said...

It's true. My boy Romeo has a few crazy imperfections, but he's still 'one cool cat'.


9:13 p.m.  

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