Tuesday, March 29, 2005

what a bad day...

so i dunno what to say. my day started great. pretty much due to the weather. went to moms and picked up some stuff. went to the dentist this morning. no cavities! that was great! i hate the dentist so much i loose sleep the night before. i got 4 hours sleep last night. so at about 2 i had a nap. woke up with a migrane at 3. took some advil and laid down for about another hour. ive had a headache since but at least im not numb. jen came over at 6:30. showed me our plane tickets and such for cuba. then we went to kyles moms place and picked up my dvds. on the way home we went to super sub in dundas and got some super. poutine and jen got a burger and poutine. so on the way home at cootes, there was another jetta infront of me. yeap they didnt go through the light and i hit their bum. yeap great. im a little upset. of course my car is fine. his wasnt. just some paint but it'll probably run me 500ish. im so not impressed. so tomorrow im going to go talk to dad. just to let him know whats going on. my back up hehe. *sigh* above all that my brain is just going nuts over everything. and cant think straight about certain things. i think by the end of these two weeks, ill need to be in cuba for a week lol.


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