Thursday, June 17, 2004

I said good day!

HI! so how is everyone today? I'm ok. i woke up really tired and my throat was really buggin me, but im a little better now. i think everyone is pretty tired today. so after a cup of coffee and shower, i was off to pick up laura from work. i took her to the barn, so she could help load the horses and go to the show in york. i think shes really excited about this show. she should be. its the olympic dressage qualifier. the best of the best are going to be there including her teacher. which truthfully i didnt think was that good. lol then on my way home i decided to see if jason wanted to get together, so i ended up picking him up, and we went to the garden centre. got some moo poo for my plants, a new sprinkler and connecter for the hose. then we went out the little restaurant beside the collins. they werent open. everytime we go for sushi they arent open. its really frustrating. so we went to the collins. but now im hungry again and would really love some of their "casino fries" which is really poutine... mmmm cheese..... so do u like my new look? i kinda do. i could do it in blue too but im in this really big pink mode at the moment, for some reason. oh and Rob and everyone else... the poet of my poem yesterday is.. i dont know thats why i didnt put it on there lol... ive had that poem for about 6 years in my book that i collect all these things in and i didnt write the poet down but ill try and find it for u. i guess thats it for now. i have to go find some food.. besides a ham sandwich...


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