Tuesday, January 22, 2008

fuckin great! lol

ok so lets start with my weekend. I worked on saturday. Sunday woke up planning to sit on my butt all day, and have mom drive me completely insane with her drinking. Just as she started that I left the house and went to yorkdale. called Hakan and he met me at the mall. wonderful day as per usual spending time with him! got home around 1 am. That boy pooped me right out with walking everywhere! but needless to say I need it and it was great!

Monday Karim got his net back. I spent about 4 hours talking to him which was great. People always ask what we talk about but I can't honestly say. Everything maybe? lol I don't know but there isn't a gap in conversation. I'm getting so excited to go. The only thing making me nervous was the money. Not having enough to spend while i'm there. But! Never fear!

Today Lisa gave dad a piece of mail to give to me. Ut was from odsp. with a very nice cheque in it. now I'm not suppose to tell anyone and blah blah blah, but thank bahjesus! I swear everything in my life at the moment is saying do this trip, it's ment for you to go. Well baby I'm going!! Thank you very much!! lol Oddly today mom asked me if anyone was lined up for me to marry lol... very odd. There is nothing more I want to do but to tell mom more about Karim. That hes possible more Shes just so stupidly judgemental and against anything but the typical white boy. I dunno maybe the timing will just come about... the day I leave lol...

Anyways I'm so happy I can relax a little! YAY! *eats cookies*


Blogger Jam said...

Most of the white boys you end up meeting end up gay, so you'd think she'd be up for a change of pace, lol!

Msg me sometime gurl! Jebus. *muah*

4:23 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds crazy to me but then again Canadian Citizenships are the in thing these days...

9:34 p.m.  
Blogger Paixão said...

You think Tunisian Citizenships are in too?

10:03 p.m.  

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