Friday, August 25, 2006

Don't like them, it only causes heartbreak

tonight i met fadi. i guess i like him cause im writing about it. It wasnt the typical routine of meeting a boy for me. Usually they message on an online dating thing and then we chat it up on msn. hes different. yes he messaged me on a dating service. but for some reason i decided to give him my phone number. im not sure. 99% of the time i dont. Actually the last time that happened was Fawky last year. And it was only after i met him. Anyways! I like fadi, I just dont know what is actual intentions are and I hate that. It seems with every date i go on my heart is left more hurt. It's not like I go into them thinking "this is the one" but i felt there was something with him (maybe due to the 2 hour phone calls we'd have before meeting)I just liked everything about him. I hope he phones.


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