Tuesday, July 10, 2007

And things go on...

well! hello again peeps! So whats new in Leannes life.. well I'm going to say nothing. lol but at the same time things are moving. On thursday daddy brought a new computer hme. It's an IMac. Holy am i in love! I'm setting up all my little widgets and I'm going to really try and get into m photograph stuff. Probably get Adobe Photoshop Elements soon.... Everything on this computer is just awesome hehe. LOVE!

Things are at work are the same. New manager thats trying to make me and the "older" girls to quit. pissing me off day after day anymore. I'm living at hoome with mom and dad now and things are surprisingly good. Mom and I are god except when she drinks. But I've just been leaving the house lately andd that avoids everything. I've been saving up for my vacation. Thats going well. I almost have enough for my plane ticket. sooo close! I brought it up with mom today and I really don't think she thought I could do it. I think it scares her lol. She doesn't want me to go. She keeps saying "well why don't u travel with ur father and I in september to BC?" "Why don't you buy a computer?" Because Mom I'm going to Tunisia. GEESH!! Thats that. :o)

anyways I'm tired must go sleepy now.. talk to ya's soon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's all the juicy gossip.. its been awhile since
you posted....

Love your fan

10:55 p.m.  

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